Toll Free: 1-833-626-8375

Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission: Improve lives by creating innovative relationships and healthcare staffing solutions among customers, communities, and the workforce.

Our Vision: Be a leading influence to strengthen communities for better living.

Our Values: TulaRay makes a difference because we ACT:

     Awareness:  Open minds, hearts, and eyes to better ways of doing things.
     Credibility:  Committed to excellence for our customers, communities, and workforce.
     Tenacity:  Continually strive to make lives better for the future.

The TulaRay Name

The name of a company should be as entrepreneurial as the founder and as inspirational as the company’s Mission, Vision and Values.

Tula is a small city in the State of TamaulipasMexico, the birthplace of the TulaRay founder’s grandmother, Alma. Her name, which means Soul, her impactful belief in higher education, her perseverance for wellness initiatives, and her optimism have always been an impactful influence.  As a Latina entrepreneur, Alma has earned hundreds of professional accolades and inspired the company name, TulaRay.

Ray was the founder’s grandfather. Ray dedicated his life to service as an army veteran, a police detective, and a U.S. Marshall.  He was highly respected for his service to the country, the State of Texas, and the community. He inspired the TulaRay founder to pursue a master’s in emergency management and sparked her passion to support emergency responders and serve the community.

TulaRay is a company that respects those who inspire others and serve the community, especially healthcare professionals, and recognizes the importance of our core values of awareness, credibility, and tenacity.

Sydney Edwards is the founder and CEO of TulaRay. As a Latina who was strongly influenced and impacted by a long line of women who became successful entrepreneurs, Sydney carries on that tradition by combining her education in psychology, criminal justice, and emergency management to lead a company dedicated to serving the community.